Everyone watches videos on YouTube. There are 100 of thousands of creator publishing a lot of video content everyday. Some of them have great content while some started just and keep getting better. It is almost free for everyone to upload and you’ve to follow their terms and condition as well.

To be better content creator, you need to publish really great content to attract other viewers to your Channel to gain views, likes and subscribers. Enough of YouTube introduction, let’s move on to main topic.

In this article, we’ll be introducing you to Top 10 YouTube Channels that are worth subscribing. They will be worth because their videos are helpful for you in many cases. Every time you visit YouTube, you will have something great to learn from those Youtubers.

Disclaimer: I’m not in anyway paid to do this. It’s my personal opinion. Anyway, my blog doesn’t get that traffic enough so that someone can pay me to sponsor them up here! xD

Did you know?

Everyday a whopping 7200 hours of video is uploaded on YouTube! 

  1. 5-Minute Crafts: They always come up with something creative every time. Well, they don’t upload a video of 5 minutes as what their channel name mentions but obviously the videos are mostly worth the watch. You can save yourself a lot of time by their hacks! Great content to learn and its fun already. Go ahead and subscribe them to fill your feed with amazing life hacks.
  2. Crazy Russian Hacker: This Russian Guy is really crazy. He reviews all those crazy stuff online. He also does crazy science experiments to just show you great stuff. He also owns the most expensive slow motion camera Phantom Flex slow motion camera for making those great slow-mo lab videos. He have really great enjoyable stuff to keep you updated with latest experiments and it causes.
  3. MKBHD: This guy help us with his splendid gadgets reviews. He unbox and review or say even do comparison between gadgets. The shooting style of his video and his voice makes you more comfortable watching a gadget getting reviewed. He’s has been on my favorite list of reviewers till date.
  4. Unbox Therapy: Well, as his channel name says, he unbox pretty much everything on his channel. He unbox all kinds of gadgets around the world and review it in his way. He find pretty much great gadgets online and review it for us. His videos are worth watching if you’re a gadget lover.
  5. Dude Perfect: You should never miss their videos when it comes to entertainment. They play sports and have been famous for their water bottle flips. These dudes are perfect for sure. Check out their channel and subscribe for amazing videos from them in your feed.

This is all for today, make sure you share it with your friends and let them know about it too. If you like this article then leave a like and comment your favorite YouTubers. We’re hearing you.

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